Where Is That Class / Resource Located?
How many times have you been asked where some class or resource is located when you say “this configuration is in the foobar.properties”? It’s not rare. I’ve heard it manyContinue reading
How many times have you been asked where some class or resource is located when you say “this configuration is in the foobar.properties”? It’s not rare. I’ve heard it manyContinue reading
I’m having troubles with the Facebook Graph API. I want to display a facebook feed in a twitter-like, simplistic fashion, but facebook has quite a lot of fields when youContinue reading
Many libraries use ThreadLocal variables to store some thread context data. Usually in web applications this context is a single request (= thread). However, there’s a caveat – most containersContinue reading
Java has two types of exceptions – checked and unchecked. In short – checked are meant for cases when the developer can reasonably recover from the exception, while unchecked exceptionsContinue reading
Programming is a profitable profession so many choose this path for their career. However, as with any profession, if you don’t like what you are doing, that is – ifContinue reading
These days the topic about RSS being dead is active on techcrunch. (I know this isn’t much of a technical article, but it is somewhat related to web usability) So,Continue reading
The NoSQL hype is omnipresent. And many startups are tempted to go for Cassandra/MongoDB/HBase/Redis/… . Here I’ll argue why they should rather stick to a SQL solution – MySQL orContinue reading
I’m uploading the slides and the demos from my presentation about CDI – Contexts and Dependency Injection for the JavaEE platform. Here is the presentation (also available on SlideShare) HereContinue reading
Password strength checkers appear from time to time on web registration forms. But in my opinion they are useless. I’ll justify. Jeff Atwood lists the possible ways to obtain one’sContinue reading
The JPA EntityManager there are the merge() and persist() methods. In hibernate there’s more – save, persist, saveOrUpdate, update, merge. I’m always using merge() for the sake of simplicity, butContinue reading