Overview of Message Queues [slides]
Yesterday I gave a talk that went through all the aspects of using messages queues. I’ve previously written that “you probably don’t need a message queue” – now the conclusionContinue reading
Yesterday I gave a talk that went through all the aspects of using messages queues. I’ve previously written that “you probably don’t need a message queue” – now the conclusionContinue reading
Most system have some sort of event logs – i.e. what has happened in the system and who did it. And sometimes it has a dual existence – once asContinue reading
A smart card is a device that holds a private key securely without letting it out of its storage. The chip on your credit card is a “smart card” (yup,Continue reading
Sometimes it happens that people speak different languages. Even when speaking the same language. People have their own professional specifics. Biologist may see the world as the way a cellContinue reading
A year and a half ago I agreed to become advisor in the cabinet of the deputy primer minister of my country (Bulgaria). It might have looked like a bizarreContinue reading
UTF-8 was first presented in 1993. One would assume that 24 years is enough to time for it to become ubiquitous, especially given that the Internet is global. ASCII doesn’tContinue reading
I thought for a while that object-oriented purism has died off. But it hasn’t – every now and then there’s an article that tries to tell us how evil settersContinue reading
The other day Joel Spolsky blogged a wonderful overview of the copyright issues with software companies in terms of its employees. The bottom line is: most companies have an explicitContinue reading
I’ve been an advisor to the depury prime minister of Bulgaria for the past year and a half. And on this year’s OpenFest conference I tried to report on whatContinue reading
Yesterday Dyn, a DNS-provider, went down after a massive DDoS. That led to many popular websites being inaccessible, including twitter, LinkedIn, eBay and others. The internet seemed to be “crawlingContinue reading