How to Map Dates with Hibernate – Use joda-time
This is always a question – how to map temporal data in our hibernate entities – whether to use java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar or simply long. The correct answer is: neither ofContinue reading
This is always a question – how to map temporal data in our hibernate entities – whether to use java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar or simply long. The correct answer is: neither ofContinue reading
I created a small project that I wanted to host somewhere for free. Amazon free tier or Google App Engine? I already have experience with AWS, so I decided toContinue reading
Every web project needs some environment-specific configurations. Database credentials, root url, smtp settings, to name a few. It’s a recurring question on stackoverflow, and I’ve seen a lot of variationsContinue reading
Each IDE generates its specific project/config/build files. Eclipse generates .project and .classpath, and also the .settings directory. IntelliJ IDEA has its .iml files. And it is always a question whatContinue reading
It’s common knowledge that commenting your code is a must. But that’s where the wrong interpretations come. “// incrementing i” above “i++” is one extreme example of useless comments, butContinue reading
Spring has quartz support. But as you can see it requires a lot of old-style xml mappings for each of the jobs you want to run. And it looks moreContinue reading
Before I start reading (and being influenced by) Joel Spolsky’s book about technical recruitment, I’ll share a thought on one important aspect of technical interviews. Whenever I happen to beContinue reading
DTOs, or data-transfer objects, are commonly used. What is not со commonly-known is that they originate from DDD (Domain-driven design). There it makes a lot of sense – domain objectsContinue reading
I’ve been answering spring and CDI questions on stackoverflow quite a lot, and what I notice as a recurring mistake (or misconception) is that people aren’t aware that they shouldContinue reading
Recently I was introduced to a project that’s already 4 months in development. After a day of coding I realized there’s something wrong with the session and transaction management. ThenContinue reading