HTML5/Javascript Desktop Software
Remember when we used to download and install software? We do that rarely these days. Every tool that we need has also a web version, which is cooler and doesn’tContinue reading
Remember when we used to download and install software? We do that rarely these days. Every tool that we need has also a web version, which is cooler and doesn’tContinue reading
You wanna be in the cloud? You have plenty of options. I’ve evaluated or used many of them, so here are a few words about each. (I will include someContinue reading
We are starting a new project and we have to choose the web framework. Our default choice is grails, because the team already has experience with it, but I decidedContinue reading
I just got a couple of comments on stackoverflow that the links in my answers are broken. They were all about spring answers, and it appeared spring have changed theContinue reading
I’ve seen tons of articles and comments (especially comments) that tell us how bad, crappy and wrong is the concept of ORM (object-relational mapping). Here are the usual claims, andContinue reading
Your site should work even with javascript turned off, they say. I strongly disagree. First, it is a lot of effort to make a function-heavy site work without javascript. You’veContinue reading
There’s a lot of Ops work to every project. Setting up server machines, and clusters of them, managing the cloud instances, setting up the application servers, HAProxy, load balancers, databaseContinue reading
Though not strictly puns, I tried to make them sort-of funny: – What are you doing on this bench with a bank slip and a marker? – Benchmarking our transactions.Continue reading
If you have a decent development process, you most probably have code reviews. But it appears many people (especially management) believe that code reviews make sure the end product isContinue reading
This article comes right after Facebook rejected me after 3 phone interviews, but it is not going to be a hate-post. In fact, I’ve been planning to write it forContinue reading