State Does Not Belong In The Code
What is “state” in your web application? It’s the data that gets stored (regardless of the destination – memory, database, file-system). The application itself must not store any state inContinue reading
What is “state” in your web application? It’s the data that gets stored (regardless of the destination – memory, database, file-system). The application itself must not store any state inContinue reading
The Dilbert comics is just 2 years younger than me, which means there are thousands of strips. Most of them represent a mocked real-world situation, especially about big corporations andContinue reading
This is going to be an odd publication, that falls more into the “life tips” or “self help” category, than into “programming”. But bear with me. What is “clean software”?Continue reading
Java is too verbose, they say. You can find comparisons of Hello World programs that take 2 lines in ruby and 10 lines in Java, and in order to readContinue reading
You are working on that fresh project and you see a bad piece of code somewhere. The wrong way to approach it is “nah, that’s someone else’s code, I’m notContinue reading
You should have a default use case (or a small set of them). No matter what are you making – end-user product, public API, protocol spec, etc. The default useContinue reading
Linux evangelists, please don’t read this. It is entirely my opinion and my experience. So, I will be talking about Linux as an end-user operating system. Well, end-developer, to beContinue reading
It’s going to be my 2nd Stack Overflow anniversary on Saturday (the 5th of Novermber, I know, it wasn’t on purpose). A quick summary: I (profile) just entered the topContinue reading
First you send a CV, or a recruiter contacts you. Then there’s the interview(s). And then the employer has to decide whether they want you onboard or not. And youContinue reading
Before I start reading (and being influenced by) Joel Spolsky’s book about technical recruitment, I’ll share a thought on one important aspect of technical interviews. Whenever I happen to beContinue reading