Encryption Overview [Webinar]

“Encryption” has turned into a buzzword, especially after privacy standards and regulation vaguely mention it and vendors rush to provide “encryption”. But what does it mean in practice? I did a webinar (hosted by my company, LogSentinel) to explain the various aspects and pitfalls of encryption.

You can register to watch the webinar here, or view it embedded below:

And here are the slides:

Of course, encryption is a huge topic, worth a whole course, rather than just a webinar, but I hope I’m providing good starting points. The interesting technique that we employ in our company is “searchable encryption” which allows to have encrypted data and still search in it. There are many more very nice (and sometimes niche) applications of encryption and cryptography in general, as Bruce Schneier mentions in his recent interview. These applications can solve very specific problems with information security and privacy that we face today. We only need to make them mainstream or at least increase awareness.

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