JMS, MessageDriven EJB (MDB), Timers, Maven, JPA (Hibernate) JBoss Example
On an interview I was given a task to implement a simple messaging system, using timers, message-driven beans and a build tool of my choice. This, of course, had to be implemented at home. All would be deployed on JBoss 5.0. The requirement was short – a timer (EJB) should send random events (exception, warning, info) to a JMS Topic, which should be consumed and handled by an MDB. Each event would be handled in a number of ways, depending on configurations.
You can download the source code (including maven scripts). (To be noted: I didn’t have any prior experience to JMS and MDBs.)
On an interview I was given a task to implement a simple messaging system, using timers, message-driven beans and a build tool of my choice. This, of course, had to be implemented at home. All would be deployed on JBoss 5.0. The requirement was short – a timer (EJB) should send random events (exception, warning, info) to a JMS Topic, which should be consumed and handled by an MDB. Each event would be handled in a number of ways, depending on configurations.
You can download the source code (including maven scripts). (To be noted: I didn’t have any prior experience to JMS and MDBs.)
I had the same task to implement 🙂
I was told to use Oracle 10g, and JBoss 5.0
Probably we are talking about one and the same company…
I guess 🙂
Perhaps they should’ve asked me to sign some NDA. I uploaded that solution not to help other interviewees, but to show some example code for JMS/EJB starters.
Anyway, I guess you haven’t copy-pasted my solution. I think they didn’t like it, because I changed some of the requirements 🙂