A Really Useful Eclipse Shortcut to Configure
I wonder why it isn’t in the default set – “generate getters and setters”. This is one of the most frequent actions. I’m setting it to ALT+SHIFT+G (Generate).
I wonder why it isn’t in the default set – “generate getters and setters”. This is one of the most frequent actions. I’m setting it to ALT+SHIFT+G (Generate).
(If you don’t want to read too much here, check the links below) Recently a lot of crap has been written at many places against NoScript (reddit, slashdot, the addonContinue reading
Important-er updates: Nothing below works anymore. Check this article. Important updates: this code won’t reliably work anymore. If you don’t need smartcard support, use the experimental web crypto API. IfContinue reading
I spent quite some time trying to find a solution for the following JSF issue: it is not possible to iterate over a java.util.Set. – ui:repeat (facelets) doesn’t work –Continue reading
While waiting for my eclipse to shut down, because the Flex Builder plugin again made it crash, I decided to write a little about my Flex experience. I’m now onContinue reading
CMS – Content Management Systems are meant to…manage content. So if we need a generally static content, which should be editable by non-technical persons, it is probably a good ideaContinue reading
I am forced to work with NetBeans (6.1) from time to time. We are creating a Desktop app, and hence NB’s Matisse is a good idea. But.. recently I startedContinue reading
Today I had to check an e-mail in my old hotmail account. First of all, a 404 message in the two left frames – I didn’t mind it – theContinue reading
As every hyped product, Google’s Android attracts developers attention. So did it with me, I downloaded the SDK, and starting coding some simple things. Let me summarize: I felt aContinue reading
Today we have a new version of Google Reader, and here’s why I decided to comment on the ways feeds can be presented. The new version of Google Reader is,Continue reading